Mushroom Ceremony

There is so much more to learn and discover

“Take a journey into your subconscious”

A profound experience to reconnect to the depth of your being and receive profound healing and teachings. Mushrooms expand the mind, open up the senses and let you connect to deeper layers of yourself. An inward journey to reconnect to the higher wisdom and undiscovered parts of your being. On this journey you can discover both treasures and shadows. The mushrooms can open new doors and provide deep valuable teachings. New connections in the brain are created which can lead to deep realizations and insights. They also create an openness towards new experiences which can express itself in increased creativity, imagination and artistic appreciation. The childlike energy of the mushrooms can feel kind of funny which brings a lightness to the experience, whilst at the same time providing deep healing.

The mushrooms I work with contain the psychoactive component psilocybin. During a mushroom journey you learn more about yourself, your environment, life and the universe. New connections are created in your brain and doors to other dimensions can open which leads to spiritual experiences. Your sensory perception is strengthened and you come into contact with deeper layers of yourself. The mushroom is a very powerful plant teacher and helps to bring new perspectives on situations. By zooming out and looking at things from a higher perspective, you become more aware of unconscious patterns and believes which gives you the opportunity to bring lasting positive transformations. 

Suddenly you start philosophizing and reviewing your life. And you start to realize what actually makes you happy in life, what your mission is here on earth, what you have to learn and what choices to make. 

What to expect during a mushroom ceremony?

A mushroom journey is a very personal experience, expect to experience everything and nothing simultaneously. One person is more visually oriented and can see patterns, colors and geometric shapes, whilst someone else can have a dialogue in the form of hearing voices or having insightful thoughts, another person can have a more bodily experience with sensations in the body. Or it can occur that behavioral patterns come forward in the way you act in relationship to your environment. Or of course a combination of the options. The intensity will also vary per person and per experience, depending on various factors such as the state you are in, how much you have eaten, how much you have slept, your sensitivity to psilocybin etc.

A safe setting is the key to a positive experience
The experience with psilocybin mushrooms can be overwhelming and therefore it’s important to always do this in a safe environment with someone who has a lot of experience with the medicine. It is also important to go into the session relaxed, to feel safe, to take the right dose, to have a clear intention and to treat the medicine with respect. Music guides you to the deepest parts of yourself and helps to transform and let go of the feelings and energies. I work with both live music/sounds and a playlist with medicine music. 

Is a mushroom journey a pleasant experience?
This can vary a lot depending on the moment, the person and other circumstances. In general the mushrooms show both sides of the coin (the dark and the light, your shadows and qualities). It's not always pleasant to face suppressed feelings or go back to past memories. Acceptance and surrendering can help you work through feelings and processes. The breath is also a tool to help transform energies and make you feel calm again.

Are psilocybin mushrooms suitable for everyone?
Unfortunately not, for example if you are sensitive to psychosis, schizophrenia or epilepsy. Also when there is heart disease or high blood pressure. In combination with good medicines, means of supplements are also no idea.

A mushroom journey at Beyond Egos
The mushroom journeys with psilocybin mushrooms are facilitated by Lisa with great care and love. Depending on your needs and experience we decide on a suitable dosage for you and the way we give form to your session. 

1. Registration & introduction
When you book the mushroom experience you will be asked to fill in a form to check upon any medical issues that might be relevant for the session. After this you will be called for a short intake to get to know each other and discuss what your needs are and what I can offer you. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions. Finally you will receive an email with the latest practical details and how to prepare yourself for the experience.

2. The mushroom journey
On the day itself, it's normal to be a little tense/nervous. We will discuss what the right dosage is for you and I will also talk about the 'program', some practicalities and tips for the experience. Then there is the opportunity to receive Sananga and/or Rapé. These are Amazonian eye drops to cleanse your energy field, purifying the mind, releasing blockage and anxiety/tension. We will also do a meditation or some movement to help you ground and connect to your body, bring your awareness to the here and now and feel more relaxed before we start.

3. The mushroom journey
Then it's time to eat the mushrooms with psilocybin. During the experience you can either lie down or sit up and you try to turn your attention more inwards to have a journey within the depths of your own being. The mushrooms and the music take you on a journey and all you have to do is relax and surrender. I am there as your spaceholder and make sure that the session is safe and can offer support when you are going through more difficult processes. It feels nice and safe to have someone with you who takes care of practical matters such as the toilet and providing food and drinks. You will notice that simple things suddenly become more difficult under the influence of the mushrooms.

4. After the journey
When you have fully landed again, a nutritious meal will be ready for you. Often you are quite hungry and the food also helps to return back fully before going home. It is advisable to come by public transport, taxi or bicycle, because after a journey you are often a bit tired and not yet sharp enough to drive a car safely. It’s also possible to book one of our beds in Shangri-La Community

5. The Integration Time
Now it’s time to rest and integrate your experience. It is often underestimated how important this part is, because the insights you receive can quickly be forgotten if you do not pay enough attention. This is why it is advisable to write down your experiences and insights, which is also very nice to read later. What would you like to take with you from your journey into your real life, what would you like to do differently and what do you need to be able to do this? The days after your trip I am available if you have any questions or run into problems. A week after your journey you will receive a message, asking how you are doing. 

Practical information
The full mushroom experience takes about 8 hours. I facilitate mushroom ceremonies in group settings and privately: in the form of a duo or 1-1 mushroom session.

If you are interested in a mushroom ceremony, you can contact me via the contact form below or send a message to +31623818609. I am based in Tenerife south (near San Isidro).