“I use life lessons as an opportunity to transform burdens into strengths.”
There are many aspects of spirituality that I feel an enormous passion for, but what all activities have in common is the healing aspect. I like to support people in this process with the approach that is most suitable. Your healing process also takes place after the healing sessions in your daily life. That is why I would like to talk with you about how healing can become part of your life. I do energetic work (healing) both individually and in groups, organise ceremonies and work with various medicines from nature (Kambo, Cacao, Rapé & Sananga).
My Healing journey
When I graduated and just got my first job as an HR Manager, I found out that there were pieces from the past that I hadn't processed well. I decided to work on these past ‘traumas’ and soon I was labeled PTSD. I received EMDR therapy which has helped me tremendously in a short period of time to move forward. I see this as the start of my spiritual journey. When my therapist said I was ready now, I just had the feeling that it was only the beginning and I wanted to continue this path. It was a certain emptiness I felt and a sense of purpose I longed for. At the end of 2017 I decided to participate in a 3-day ayahuasca ceremony with the question of what my life purpose is on this earth. During my first ayahuasca journey, a crystal-clear loving voice spoke to me and I was told that healing is an important part of my being here on earth and that I could now go on a spiritual exploration, starting with 'Reiki'. Even though I didn't know what healing was yet, it touched me so deeply that I immediately started a Reiki training. I found it so interesting that I had completed my Reiki master's degree before I knew it. In the meantime I came into contact with Merlin Healing®, with which I had wonderful experiences for a long time. Now I have arrived at the moment where I feel the need to disconnect from concepts and allow myself to be guided from surrender by the other side. Letting go of techniques, methods and procedures to make more room for spirit and to let the healing energy flow as pure and pure as possible from intuition and connection.
In addition to healing, I started an introductory course in intuition & mediumship in 2018. I've always felt a fascination for mediumship, so I decided to explore that interest further. After this course I was eager to continue and a medium pointed out to me to consider Arthur Findlay College in England. This is where I went that year, which felt like coming home as well as a new world opening up for me. After I came back I wanted to continue enthusiastically, but then the mediumship brought feelings to the surface that I didn't want to take on yet. I didn't enjoy learning it anymore because it felt like suffering everytime I trained it. I decided to take a mediumship break, which in retrospect was perfect for integrating everything. In October 2019 I went to Arthur Findlay College again and there I realized that it is important to keep practicing regularly and to 'be in the power' as it is called every day. In 2020 I entered the second year of a three-year mediumship training with Janneke Leber and I also started a 10-month online intensive program at Collin Bates. The development of mediumship is a lifelong process, which I estimate will only go public after 5 years. I am in a mediumship circle to further train these skills and share experiences with each other. In January 2021 I started a Trance States training with Eileen Davies. After this I started developing my mediumship with Darren Hart who has had such a big influence on my life in the most positive way.
In 2018 I founded Beyond Egos to shape the inspiration that came in and the need to establish a place where people can go for healing & connection. And as I often do with things, I immediately jumped in at the deep end. In 2018 I immediately rented a space for 5 hours a week and started offering self-healing group sessions (via Onefit). Although I still had to get used to my new role, the feedback I received was surprisingly positive. Then I felt that it was time for the next step and decided to look for a space. With great luck I found a special location at the Westerpark in an old Badhuis. The sessions I already gave were able to continue and I received many messages for collaborations. I was a bit overwhelmed with everything that was going on and on top of that I had a 30-hour job as a HR Manager. In retrospect, this space may have come a little too quickly, but it taught me a lot and showed me what I was missing. A tribe to organize things together with and a sense of community. I had so much on my mind that there was no 'relaxation' and connection with my heart. There was no new inspiration and things got a bit stuck. At the beginning of 2019, problems with the electricity in the property and the lack of heat started. Until I was completely done with it and decided to cancel the lease. I once again had a break to recover from the overwhelming period.
In the meantime I did the Kambo Intensive training at the IAKP, because I was fascinated by the healing power of medicine and wanted to learn to work with it. After graduating, I immediately started giving individual sessions and the demand for Kambo grew enormously. In mid-2019, all of a sudden inspiration came through again and I started giving various sessions at Flink. The sessions were a combination of healing, ceremony and plant medicines. In addition, I entered into some collaborations, I facilitated Womb Healing ceremonies with a friend and I helped with Shamanic Breathwork. The sense of purpose grew enormously, which increased the pleasure and Beyond Egos grew with me. The desire for my own place grew again, so I decided to look for a new house with a ceremony space. Mainly to have a feeling of freedom again, to be able to organize whatever and whenever I wanted. When I found a house with a healing practice space, things really started to develop and I realized that it was time to quit my other job. I decided to take the plunge by quitting my job as of March 1, 2020. On March 1, 2020 I got a bad flu, it felt like my body was letting everything go on exactly that date and a huge cleansing process followed. Then the Corona period hit, which stopped me from continuing my activities. The beginning of a third pause, a time of another deep introspection in which I was invited to reflect and look back again on the past. The realization grew that it is now time for balance and rest, so that I can continue my activities from that place of peace and connection within. Also my attention has shifted somewhat from the somewhat 'hard' plant medicines to the somewhat 'softer' healing methods.
At the start of 2021 I started to feel trapped within my own house. My relationship didn’t flow anymore and I couldn’t stop thinking about going abroad to learn more about life, myself and broaden my horizon. This is why I made the big decision to break up, leave the house we bought together and start travelling. This journey is one big teaching and it forces me to grow. I experience the most freedom I have ever had and the depth of myself. My dream is to spread my healing practices all over the world while I discover new places and make new connections.