I am leaving Tenerife: a reflection on my time here
What an experience, living in a community on a finca in nature. 10 minutes away from the beach, surrounded by bird sounds, fruit trees and like minded people. Although I had to get used to this new way of living, it now feels so much more natural and satisfying than living in an apartment in Amsterdam. I would rather go back here than back to the Netherlands to be really honest. This place opened me up, it taught me a new way of communicating and handling situations with people. More open communication and authentic expression without all these filters that we have learned to use as a child. My time on the islands has been very rejuvenating and healing. The island of synchronisity and instant manifestation, the island of eternal spring. I had the time to recover from the big changes and break-up. Focus on myself and don’t worry about anything else. I feel very grateful that I had the opportunity to have all these experiences. I feel very free and in balans. But at the same time I feel that I am slowly rooting here and finding a new comfort zone. Time to move on!
Tomorrow (the first of July) I take the plane to Thailand (through Madrid and AMSTERDAM!) and from here the Asia adventure (that I was longing for, for so long) is finally happening! Something is waiting there for me, but I really don’t know what yet. I do feel that I want to contribute and do meaningful work. With animals, children or people in need of help. I decided to not plan anything in advance and let myself be guided to the places where I need to be. My intention is to be present in the moment and open myself up for inspiration so that I allow the magic to take over. This will be a spiritual journey with my spirit guides who influence and direct me. I started my mediumship journey 3,5 years ago and lately I feel like it’s really taking off more and more. I will share more about this in a later video.